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Good news | Add two more items! The national standard drafted by KDTECH has been officially approved and released

Time: 2023-08-27      Click: 

Recently, The national standard "Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Automotive Interior Textile Materials - Box Method" (GB/T 42704-2023), developed by Kuanda Automotive Trim Systems Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kuanda Technology Group Co., Ltd., as the main drafting unit, and the national standard "Shawell Wear Test Method for Automotive Interior Textile Materials" (GB/T 42942-2023), developed as the first drafting unit, have been approved and released, It will be implemented on December 1, 2023 and March 1, 2024, respectively.

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The implementation of these two national standards has improved and unified the testing methods for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and Schubert wear resistance of textile materials used in domestic automotive interiors, providing technical support for data comparison among enterprises in the industry, helping to standardize product quality and technical level in the industry, and providing a basis for enterprises to control VOCs and wear resistance of products, meet the requirements of air quality and durability in cars, And provide reliable testing methods for other units in the same industry, thereby promoting the healthy and rapid development of the industry, and promoting the prosperity and development of automotive interior textile materials industry products towards standardization, lean, standardization, and environmental protection.

Kuanda Technology has always been committed to promoting the standardization and development of the industry, relying on the support of Jiangsu Industrial Design Center, Jiangsu Postdoctoral Research Workstation, Changzhou Overseas Talent Workstation, and relevant industry units and customers. As of the deadline, it has participated in the formulation of 7 national standards and 1 industry standard.

In the future, Kuangda Technology will closely follow the changes of the times and the cutting-edge field of automotive interior materials, take on the role of leading the industry trend, and steadily move forward on the road of R&D and production standardization, thus achieving success.


Next:Fight against high temperatures and ensure production!

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